Chiropractor Russell Hildebrand D.C.

Dr. Hildebrand’s first exposure to chiropractic was because his mom needed care. “As my brother had muscular dystrophy, my mother frequently carried him around. Although she was strong, her neck got thrown out, which resulted in her seeing a chiropractor often.”
Experiencing the Effect of Chiropractic
“I’m convinced I was the sickest kid in school. Since the age of 6, I suffered from asthma and allergies, and many other sicknesses year after year.” Dr. Hildebrand was taking eight prescribed medications daily.
As he got older, he received chiropractic care for aches and pains due to football. The dramatic results of chiropractic didn’t happen, however, until he got adjusted consistently during chiropractic college. Within six months of getting adjusted, Dr. Hildebrand was able to stop taking his medications. He also used lifestyle modifications to get better.
Deciding on Chiropractic
As Dr. Hildebrand’s mom worked at a pharmacy, she encouraged him to get pre-accepted into a pharmacy program. Although he got that pre acceptance, Dr. Hildebrand knew before he even stepped on campus that that’s not something he wanted to do. He also considered physical therapy and occupational therapy, but those weren’t the right fit for him either. So while an undergrad student at the University of Pittsburgh, Dr. Hildebrand met with a career counselor, who gave him reading materials to learn more about chiropractic.

He found it appealing that he could not only help people naturally through chiropractic care, but also enjoy the autonomy of running his own business. After Dr. Hildebrand earned his bachelor’s from Pitt, he attended National University of Health Sciences, where he earned his Doctor of Chiropractic. One of the things Dr. Hildebrand liked most about the school was that diagnostics was taught. “As a result, we got good at diagnosing typical chiropractic medical conditions.” In chiropractic college, he loved studying the body and the fact that you can help somebody with your hands, not a prescription.
A Vitalistic Philosophy
In our practice, Dr. Hildebrand has adopted a vitalistic philosophy that goes beyond the mechanistic (pain-based) viewpoint of just restoring joint function. Vitalistic looks at the body as a whole. He can address symptoms, get to the root cause of a problem, and offer preventative care to promote wellness.
An Active Lifestyle
When he’s not working, Dr. Hildebrand loves to hunt; in particular, he enjoys hunting whitetail deer and elk (when he visits Colorado). Always staying active, Dr. Hildebrand loves snowboarding, mountain biking, playing baseball, volleyball, soccer and basketball.
He’s also passionate about history, and, in particular, loved how the Native Americans lived. Dr. Hildebrand discovered that he has some Shawnee Indian ancestry.
Contact Dr. Russell Hildebrand today at (814) 238-8540
Monday - Thursday
9:30am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 5:30pm
Friday - Sunday
Hildebrand Chiropractic
1460 Martin St
State College, PA 16803