New Patients at Hildebrand Chiropractic in State College PA?

What to Expect On Your First Visit in State College PA
1. Initial Paperwork
Your history will give us 85% of the information we need in order to diagnose the cause of your pain or discomfort in State College PA, therefore it is imperative that we collect important information about your body.
2. Conversation & Feedback
- Where does it hurt?
- When does it hurt?
- How did it start?
With this information we should already have the cause of your issues narrowed down to 1-5 things.
3. Testing & Evaluation
- We’ll do some orthopedic tests
- We often take x-rays on the very first visit
This gives us a much clearer understanding of what the issue is, allowing us to refine our evaluation.
4. Setting a Course of Action
- Set a schedule of future adjustments
- Personalized lifestyle modifications
- Specific exercises customized to your needs
Our strategic course of action restores alignment and function to the body giving you relief from your pain. Chiropractic adjustments take the pressure off the nerves to increase range of motion, reduce muscle weakness, reduce numbness and tingling, reduce inflammation, and ultimately relieve the pain and discomfort so many of our clients experience for years before they experience our Chiropractic care.
5. Conclusion
At the end of your first session you will be given any necessary take home material to guide you through additional stretches and lifestyle modifications. Before you leave you’ll also speak with the receptionist to set up your next appointment. We also ask for any feedback to ensure that you have the best experience with us!
Monday - Thursday
9:30am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 5:30pm
Friday - Sunday
Hildebrand Chiropractic
1460 Martin St
State College, PA 16803