Auto-Accident Chiropractic in State College PA

Whether you find yourself in a low-speed fender bender or rear-ended in a higher-speed collision, it’s vital to get checked. Did you know you do not have to get hit hard or even have damage to sustain severe whiplash? Auto accidents that cause a whiplash injury in State College PA are the worst type of accident, because the normal curvature of the spine is badly misaligned. This neck curve is vital for good health and must be corrected as soon as possible.
The Importance of Getting Checked in State College PA
Many times people won’t have pain right after an auto accident. They won’t notice it until the next day or even two days afterward. In some cases, they may develop headaches a month later. But once you develop pain from a car accident, you have an astronomically high chance of chronic pain. That’s why everyone involved in an auto accident should be checked by a chiropractor.
“What I’ve seen in my years of practice is that no matter the accident, chiropractic is the best solution to realign the spine, reduce and then remove the pain, and, most importantly, eliminate the chance that your accident will have long-lasting negative effects on your health,” said Dr. Hildebrand.
What to Expect
At Hildebrand Chiropractic, Dr. Hildebrand takes the time to listen to patients. Caring and compassionate, he wants to listen to your story and address your accident-related complaints. After examining you, Dr. Hildebrand will create a treatment plan and go over that with you. He will let you know how many visits it will likely take for you to heal.
We also try to make the process as painless as possible for patients. We are in contact with almost every insurance company and will work with them on your behalf. All you should focus on is healing, not insurance hassles.
Monday - Thursday
9:30am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 5:30pm
Friday - Sunday
Hildebrand Chiropractic
1460 Martin St
State College, PA 16803